The social network of the Georgian Court Watch restored


Since the morning of June 17, a significant number of materials published on the website of the Court Watch and shared on the Facebook pages page have been gradually restored, along with the lifting of associated website restrictions.

Between June 14 and 15, 2024, approximately 60 posts were removed from the Georgian Court Watch Facebook pages. In addition, during the same period, some posts were deleted from the organization’s internal group on the Court Monitoring.Since June 14, our team has been actively engaged with Meta to address and resolve these issues, alongside collaborating with relevant organizations and experts.

We deeply appreciate the proactive efforts of representatives of the local and foreign organizations that supported the Court Watch during this challenging time.

Content generated by our analysts and contributors on is regularly shared on our Facebook page. Some of the deleted materials were originally published on our website in 2022. Initially, Meta cited cybersecurity concerns for the removals and restrictions. As an organization focused on Georgian judicial matters, we affirm that our materials adhere to Facebook's safety rules.The Court Watch of Georgia was founded in 2021. The goal of the organization is to promote the democratic development of Georgia by improving the independence, accountability and efficiency of the courts.

We remain fully committed to addressing critical issues for Georgia's democracy with unwavering dedication!