Summer camp for ethnic minorities


On June 7-10, 2024, within the framework of the project "Legal Socialization of Ethnic Minorities for the Promotion of Rights Protection," Georgia Court Watch conducted a summer camp for ethnic minorities, aiming to improve the protection of their rights by promoting legal socialization.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were defined:

  • Raising the awareness of ethnic Azerbaijanis on legal issues;
  • Informing the general public about the rights of ethnic minorities.

Director of Court Watch, Nazi Janezashvili, opened the event and introduced the activities of the organization to the participants. The participants were provided with theoretical and practical knowledge on various legal issues, including:

  • Human rights and freedoms;
  • Children’s rights;
  • ECtHR case-law;
  • Judicial authority and stages of litigation;
  • 2024 Parliamentary  elections in Georgia and relevant amendments in the law;
  • Judicial reform and European integration;
  • Juvenile criminal justice and related challenges;
  • Personal data protection rights.

Additionally, the participants prepared project proposals within the framework of the summer camp. Court Watch will identify one of the five submitted projects as the winner which will be financied.

The training sessions were conducted by the director of Court Watch, Nazi Janezashvili, and experts:

  • Irma Pavliashvili, chairperson of Caucasus Open Space;
  • Nika Simonishvili, Lawyer;
  • Londa Tholoraia, Director of the Rule of Law Center;
  • Keti Gachechiladze and Ana Chikovani, Court Watch legal staff.

The project is implemented with a grant received within the framework of sub-granting project “legal Socialization of Ethnic Minorities to Promote Rights Protection” withing the scope of the European Union Funded project “ Strengthening Monitoring and Advocacy Capacities for Rights in Georgia”. The project is implemented by the Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC), Hertie School, Human Rights Center, and Georgia Democracy Initiative.